And so the journey begins...
You see them on your Facebook Timeline or IG feed, their stories keep you watching, and wanting more. Their makeup application is flawless, their fashion sense is chic and unparalleled, and above all they are really relatable. Sooner or later a simple follow button turns into hours of viewing their make-up/hair/fashion tutorial (seriously, how do they make cat-eye liner application seem so simple?). Not only that, now you’re invested in their VLOGs – you’re like a fly on the wall in this blogger’s life. You’re hooked. What sets these bloggers apart from any other advertisement experience you’ve had in the past? Well for starters, they are everyday consumers just like you and I. They live in a metro area much like yours, they shop at Sephora just like you do, and they deal with quite possibly the same #lifestruggles you have. They are just a DM away. And after while, they start to feel like someone you know! In a small way, you’re invested in their life and they have an influence on yours. Now you’re actually purchasing the teeth whitening gel and light product you didn’t even know you needed using the coupon code your beloved blogger sent you.
Bloggers have quickly captured not only the attention of the average consumer, but many businesses and well-known brands are realizing that they don’t have a shot if they don’t take part in Influencer Marketing. I myself, a young Marketing professional in New York City, have found that this is a growing field and businesses are eager to learn how to best sink their teeth into the exciting world of Influencer Marketing.
To truly understand Influencer Marketing, we need to get to the heart of it. The Blogger. What motivates them? Why did they start blogging? What do they think when they get an invitation to work with a new brand or product? What’s it like opening the product bundle xyz company sent them? What does the competitive landscape look like? What’s the bottom line and the definitive factors that help them choose which brands to promote, and which brands to shy away from?
Which brings me to the very purpose of this blog. In the famous words of Gene Wilder in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, “So much time and so little to do! Strike that, reverse it.”